Body Wisdom With Dr. Michele

#56 Why Do People Hate It When You Make Big Lifestyle Changes? with Adam Hommey



Dr. Michele and Adam Hommey, Founder and Creator of The Business Creators’ Institute™ and the Editor-In-Chief of The Morning Adam™, discuss making big lifestyle changes to improve your health. Tell someone you’re doing Yoga or Ayurveda, going Vegan / going Paleo, or doing anything to significantly or massively improve your lifestyle, and they may support you. Or…they may attack you, question you, show you in words and deeds they don’t believe you can do it, or outright ostracize you. Sometimes you can’t “walk away” and sometimes “just ignore it” doesn’t work, either. What do you do? In this exclusive interview, Adam Hommey, a Vegan and a practitioner of Ayurveda, shows us what may actually be happening – and how to handle it in a way that gains respect. —————————————————————- 1) First of all, can you tell me more about your own experiences becoming Vegan and adopting Ayurveda into your daily life? 2) You mentioned how Vegans get asked the “20 questions”, attacked publicly just for what they DON’T eat, and soc