Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

87: Make a Plan



About the show Too often in life we come up with the most brilliant ideas, but we never see them to fruition. Because we don’t have a plan to get us there. No blueprint to guide us to how to build our dream. Having a plan is paramount to actually achieving your goals. On the show, the truth about our lives with and without a plan. Hint – plans totally rock. Want to take the challenge? Create a simple plan, a list if you will and see what happens. Draw a line down the page. At the top, write your goal, dream, desire. Then on the left write down 20 things you can do to get you to your goal. No time lines or elaborate plans or details. Just 20 things you can do (Google something, make a call, take a class). On the right side of the paper, write 20 things you need to have “happen.” Not things you can do or influence. Just things it would be nice to have happen. Like “get invited to a party where this person I want to meet will be.” Don’t harp on the right side or try to force the situation. Just do the things you