Together 24/7 With Barry & Catherine Cohen

88: Drew & Cristina Gregory



A little about our guests. Both Cristina and Drew are lovers of all things outdoors and adventurous. Which is great since that is what their business is all about. Cristina loves working with children and animals and was a teacher for a number of years. She also enjoys photography and traveling to new, fun places. Drew grew up with entrepreneurial parents and has been surrounded by couples in business and in love. His dad was his sports inspiration and his mom was his outdoors inspiration. His parents also instilled a deep faith in him as well as the importance of living a balanced life. When Drew met Cristina and figured out she might be the one, finding out she enjoyed travel and the outdoors sealed the deal. They hope to start a family in the future (although they won’t say how long we have to wait!) Right now, they enjoy building their business, traveling and fixing up the new house they bought and making it into a home. A little about their business. Drew started out working with Jackson Kayak. He is a p