Beyond The Village

The Day the Water Stopped: How COTN Partners and Staff Solve Water Crisis in Dominican Republic



Without any warning, water stopped coming out of the pipes in Don Bosco—an impoverished community in the Dominican Republic. Two years later, after hours of investigation, analysis, and meetings with just the right people, a community well is being drilled. In celebration of World Water Day, this podcast follows community leaders, COTN staff, and partners as they explore the harsh consequences of daily life without water and celebrate what happens when these people come together to bring water back to Don Bosco. To help bring water to more people in need, go to Special thanks for music from: “Traces” by Hyson ( is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0; “She's leaving for work in the underwater tram. I think I'll take a minute to think about it” by Cherly KaCherly (