

Welcome to the #TwitterSmarter podcast, Episode 7. I was a recent guest on#SocialChat. It’s a great Twitter chat that I highly recommend. It’s run by Alan K’necht @aknecht and Michelle Stinson Ross @SocialMichelleR.  Their website says, “Bringing together the web’s most forward thinking social media marketers.” It’s held every Monday at 9pm ET. In this episode I’ll answer and expand on questions they asked me as a guest during the chat. Twitter Chats are great but they do move fast. In this episode, I’ll give broader answers and share links to sites I discuss. Click here for the show notes. In this episode, here’s what I cover: My expanded answers to the @SocialChat Twitter chat questions. 1. How much time should we spend each day on focused Twitter activity for growth? You can get tremendous results if you spend 30 minutes a day focused on your growth. I like Hootsuite for listening and Buffer for scheduling. I teach this in my online #TwitterSmarter training course 2. How do you choose who to fo