For Food's Sake

FFS 041 - On the Frontlines of Food



The continued expansion of industrial-scale chemical-intensive agriculture around the world relies on one central powerful myth: only industrial agriculture can feed the world.   Timothy A. Wise - author of Eating Tomorrow - joins us to discuss why, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, governments continue to invest in a model of farming that is devouring the natural resources on which future food production depends. By choosing the path of industrial agriculture today, we are, quite literally, “eating our collective tomorrows”. Tim and I discuss: Who actually “feeds the world” Who (or what) industrial agriculture feeds The failing Green Revolution in Africa: feeding corporations, not the hungry Alternative local agroecological solutions in Malawi and Mozambique nourishing people and planet How agroecology, not hybrid seeds, builds lasting resilience against floods and drought, the ‘evil twins of climate change’: Global trade and market failure: NAFTA devastating biodiversity and Mexican farmer liv