Interrobang With Travis And Tybee

From Apartment Renting to Yelling Happy Things



Warning: Discussions featuring references to rape culture and homophobic slurs, as well as strong language Discussed In This Episode: Apartment Renting, Secret Spiderman Shirt, Young Parents vs. Old Parents, Friends, Conversation Decay, Phone Nostalgia, Rocky Horror Hipster Show, Audience Ownership, Bomb Shelters of Comics, Finding Cynicism, Dial-Up Internet, Outdated Racism, Crying Wolf, Evil Close-Up, Emotional Dissonance, No Walls, Hyphy About Love, Superhero Films and Imagination, Captain America, Twitter Engagement, Public Spiderman Shirt, Video Game Exclamations, Open World, BatTank, Loving Source Material, Lotta Babies Around, The Gentlest Travis, Insensitive Costumes, Baby Things, Neighborhood Dog, Yelling Happy Things Music Courtesy of