Simply Joyful Podcast With Kristi Clover | Encouragement For Your Faith And Family

SJP #022: Nicole Johnson: Stepping Off the Crazy Train: Tips for Creating Calm in the Center of Crazy



Episode #022 with Nicole Johnson Stepping Off the Crazy Train: Tips for Creating Calm in the Center of Crazy   ** Head to to see all the Show Notes & Awesome Quotes that we collected for you! **   Life can get a little crazy at times. Sometimes seasons of “crazy” seem to keep hitting over and over again.There may never seem to be a break from the chaos. Now, I say this as a homeschooling mom of five who currently has another family of six living under her roof. If anyone gets crazy, it’s me. Creating balance and calm in the middle of craziness is a must. It’s an art. I’ve learned to step back and say no to a lot of different things when we have busy seasons. Yet, sometimes that’s not enough. Today I have a very special guest, Nicole Johnson. We are going to be chatting about her new book, Creating Calm in the Center of Crazy. Like so many of us, Nicole found herself in a vicious cycle of “crazy.” She shares about her turning point in her crazy life that drove her to create more calm i