Simply Joyful Podcast With Kristi Clover | Encouragement For Your Faith And Family

SJP #038: Anne Bogel: How Understanding Personality Changes Everything



Episode #038 with Anne BogelHow Understanding Personality Changes Everything   Head to or to see all the Show Notes & Awesome Quotes that we collected for you!   Happy “A November to Remember” on the Simply Joyful Podcast! We have 8 episodes coming up for you — and 8 amazing giveaways all from our wonderful sponsor for this month: DAYSPRING!  This week: $50 Valued Gift Box from DaySpring, along with a special coupon code to use for your holiday shopping!   **Sign up for this week’s giveaway HERE!**   … Okay! Now onto this week's encouraging episode! Many of you probably know Anne Bogel from her very popular blog Modern Mrs. Darcy. She's also the host of the podcast What Should I Read Next?, but her new book, Reading People, literally changed everything for me. I love this book. I've read several sections of her book several times since doing this episode. It really helped me understand myself better — and my kids! It unlocked the mystery of why we are the way