Simply Joyful Podcast With Kristi Clover | Encouragement For Your Faith And Family

SJP #042: Kim Fredrickson: Parenting with Compassion — & Leaving a Legacy



Episode #042 with Kim FredricksonParenting with Compassion — & Leaving a Legacy   Head to or to see all the Show Notes & Awesome Quotes that we collected for you!   Merry Christmas!... ...& a special thanks to our wonderful sponsor this month: PeachDish  PeachDish is generously hosting a fun giveaway for us over the next two weeks: 4 Holiday Feast Kits with Brunch Casseroles! **Sign up for this week’s giveaway HERE!**   … Okay! Now onto this week's encouraging episode! Today’s episode is extra special to me. I got to know Kim Fredrickson many years ago. Kim is one of the licensed therapists who taught a marriage class at our church in northern California. Steve and I were newly married at the time and learned so much from her. She was a real hero to me all those years ago. More recently, Kim and I reconnected through our literary agency on Facebook.  Kim’s new book, Give Your Kids a Break, has an interesting backstory. Most people write books to share