Living Villa Cappelli

035: Italian Superstitions & Expat Life with Rick Zullo



Italian superstitions While Italian superstitions aren't any crazier than any other country's, but they are interesting for someone who didn't grow up with them. We're talking with Rick Zullo today who wrote about a lot of these on his blog which talks about his expat experiences throughout Italy. Topics we cover with Rick: Rick's Italian heritage The Italian-American ghettos created by Italian immigrants in the U.S. How these ghettos kept some traditions more strict than even in Italy Where all these ghettos are located, everywhere from New York to Chicago to Lousiana Italian wines How mythology, superstitions and religion mix a lot in Italy Paul's theory on where the tradition of Easter Eggs comes from The worst insult you can say to someone here in the south, Ki Te Murt.  Which by the way in the inspiration for our new line of hot and spicy products. How a lot of these superstitions and traditions are followed with a sense of obligation to family and culture The tradition of first confession and first ho