Dear Dungeon

Bonus Diary: Mascot Bonusode pt 2



Brandon and Audrey were super busy this last week with Anime Saint Louis, so instead of your regularly scheduled episode, we have brought to you this wonderful Bonus Diary! Sorry for the weird audio quality! It was due to hardware issues that we found out about AFTER recording, and didn't want to just throw this episode, that we had a lot of fun with, in the garbage!    The crew delves into the Tomb of Teddy Roosevelt, learns about corporate history, the Pure Food and Drug Act, and does elementary school math problems!  The Mascots are Poppin' Fresh played by Audrey Stolze, Kool Aid Man played by Aaron Stolze, and Snap, Crackle, and Pop played by Ben Quiggins!   We really hope you like these bonus diaries, let us know if you want to see more! Expect the finale in a few weeks, after we churn out some more awesome regular episodes!