Dear Dungeon

Bonus Diary: Mascot Bonusode Pt 3 FINAL: THE SUMMONING OF NIGHT BEN



Holy Corporate Overlords, it's the finale to our Corporate Diaries Bonusode! Sorry this is coming so late, but if anything, it's an excuse to go back and listen to the first two again!  Why did this take so long? Well, the audio was majorly bad, and Brandon procrastinated dealing with it. It's done now, and hopefully at least listen-able! Sorry for the poor quality, but we promise it is at least fun!  The crew finishes delving in the Tomb of Teddy Roosevelt! What secrets remain?  The Mascots are Poppin' Fresh played by Audrey Stolze, Kool Aid Man played by Aaron Stolze, and Snap, Crackle, and Pop played by Ben Quiggins! Episode 50 is coming out next week, we're hard at work making this an extravaganza!