Marketing To Crush Your Competitors: Online Business - Marketing Strategies - Fabienne Raphaël

Episode211: How to Create your Own Financial Security with your Business - Cliff Ravenscraft



I met Cliff 3 years ago at Podcast Movement and I remember that it was very pleasant. And it felt exactly the same, talking to him for 20-25 minutes during this podcast interview. Remember Episode 208 with Kevin Rogers, when we discussed the saying : « Follow the passion and the money will follow»?   Well, we get into it again, because Cliff has another view on it.   He quotes Dan Miller and mentions that there are 3 things required to enjoy a successful business: You must be passionate about the topic You must have talent And you must have an economic model if you want to turn your passion in a business.   This whole idea of success brought me to ask him about how he is feeling now that he has lost 100 pounds.   Is financial success enough? To feel congruent, do you also need to have success personally? Is taking care of you part of feeling like a success?   We go quite deep into these thoughts and it will definitely make you think about it for yourself too.   Finally, we get into the topic of paying for