Marketing To Crush Your Competitors: Online Business - Marketing Strategies - Fabienne Raphaël

Episode 212: "How to Stand out with a 15 Second Pitch" – Laura Allen



Name of guest : Laura Allen Laura is called « The Pitch Girl ». Not that she knows how to pitch a ball (well actually she might), but she’s an expert at helping individuals create a better pitch that they can say in just 15 seconds. What you are doing as an entrepreneur is most of the time related to what you were strong at as a kid, or what you were truly passionate about, or what you were skilled at. And asking Laura about that, I found out that as a kid, her persuasion skills were already above average. Entrepreneurship is also about thinking outside of the box and being different than the majority. Laura said that she was the “weird girl”, that she felt like she did not “fit in”. She just wanted to do her own thing. Then, we go on about the pitch. How at networking events, people are not prepared for it. How sometimes, their pitch is way too long. How it is crucial to learn it, so you can nail it when needed. She created a formula to help entrepreneurs get their best pitch. 4 Steps for your Best Pitch