Marketing To Crush Your Competitors: Online Business - Marketing Strategies - Fabienne Raphaël

Episode 219: “How to Finally Win Against Hustling” - Amanda Goldman-Petri



This week, my guest is Amada Goldman-Petri. And we talk about something that could be contra-intuitive for a lot of people.   The majority of us were brought up to believe that in order to get something in life, you have to work hard and to hustle. All the time. Night and day. As if there was no other recipe to success, to goal achievement, to happiness… Amanda has declared the war against hustle!   Seriously. She shares her own story and how her mindset shifted about hustling.   She also advises you how you can start getting rid of the “hustling” thing. In life : Start by saying no to certain things: when was the last time you said no to someone or to something that is not on top of your list? Saying no to certain things is definitely a sign that you focus on your priority. Let go of some stuff: are you still thinking that you should do it all yourself? Delegating could be a great thing to start doing! In business: Think about leveraging: for example, instead of doing one on one, can you group these peopl