Talkrx With Doctor Neha

Unraveling the Drama of Dealing with an Ex



Read the full post: Subscribe on iTunes: Subscribe on YouTube: For more information and resources: Join me on Facebook: You ex is an ex for a reason. You have felt a range of emotions with this person and they also can trigger you. If you expect no drama as you move forward and renegotiate your new life, you will likely be disappointed. The challenges (I sometimes refer to them gently as “ learning opportunities” ) are sure to continue—just in a new and different way. Throw their new partner into the mix, and you’ re bound to face uncharted territory. When I innocently sat on a plane next to Debbie, Frank and their adorable white Shih Tzu, little did I know our conversation would uncover a decades-old pattern of modern family drama. (Yes, it’ s true, TalkRx even happen