Work Life Play With Aaron Mchugh

Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life #85



Create a life that matters to you. The narrative we tell ourselves frames our life. Work can’t be about survival. Rethink work. Live differently. Capitalize on the small margins of your life, they add up. Stay curious. Live adventurously. Learn to play. Love the people that you’re with. Five years later, I know I’m onto something. Quantifiable Proof Meet Bill Burnett and Dave Evans, co-authors of the Stanford course turned book providing a methodology to Designing Your Life: How to build a well-lived, joyful life. Our conversation provided me a meaningful crescendo to my two hundred and forty field reports here on Work Life Play. This book is new quantifiable proof to my work.   Everbody gets stuck, start where you are Learn how problem solving used in product design can be applied to designing your life The idea of Work-Life balance is totally wrong and approaches the problem with a win-lose outcome Understand why your life needs a dashboard in five categories: Work, Life, Play, and Health & Love Dysfun