Twisted Sisterds

116 - I'm a Druid But I'm Not an Iron Age Celt with Gabriel West



Join Becky and Nicole this week as they talk with Gabriel West about his experience with druidry (and practice in pronouncing it), adventures in fermentation, and finding magick in the mundane. Follow his photography, poetry, and practice on Instagram @gabrielwestwanders   And in the month of May 2020 (or whenever you listen - we still love to see your magick), join us in our daily #mundanemagick posts on Instagram.    If you have questions or want to chat with us, tweet at us @twistedsisterds or drop a comment on our Facebook page, or better yet, head over to Patreon and become a $1 or more subscriber to join the Twisterds Tavern private FB group. We always enjoy sharing our magick.   Subscribe and drop us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts.   Support us at to join our private FB group the Twisterds Tavern, get Sisterds swag, and even shape the content of the episodes.   Tweet at us @TwistedSisterds   Follow us on Instagram @twistedsisterds   Follow us on Facebook