Practice You With Elena Brower

Episode 30: Julian Brass



On owning our anxiety as a sacred cue to wake up and remember ourselves. On becoming our own eternal support system. Practical tools to soothe and serve--yourself and others. Length: 56.10 Timecodes: Breathing. [2:38] Teachers and singing. [4:00] Using discernment to reduce anxiety.[4:45] Power of playing.[6:45] Planning your meals. [9:00] Surface level anxiety. Simple choices that can help. [9:45] Body as a gateway to the mind. Anxiety as a helpful sign to let you know something is out of alignment. [10:44] Watching for the after effects of toxicity in your life. [14:28] Being mindful of the music you choose. Jai-Jagdeesh.[17:49] Tiny choices that contribute to anxiety.[19:17] Choosing your self-talk.[20:18] Becoming your biggest fan. [21:00] Visualization. [22:49] Creating Art as therapy. [28:10] Ending negative relationships. Developing a more positive relationship with yourself. [31:06] Wanting to live a better life. [35:00] Volunteering. Donating resources.[37:40] What needs healing. [0:25] Favorite vie