Agency Journey

Sustainably Growing Your Agency with Gray MacKenzie



Gray MacKenzie is the CEO and Founder of ZenPilot. ZenPilot helps agencies streamline operations and scale their businesses using proven systems and processes. Over 1,800 agencies have grown quickly and sustainably thanks to ZenPilot’s services. Gray also founded GuavaBox, which helps B2B tech and SaaS companies build a better growth strategy. Additionally, he is the Entrepreneur in Residence for eCenter@LindenPointe, a startup business incubator.In this episode…Your company is ready to grow, but how do you keep it organized? What can you do to make sure your clients get the same great product on time, every time? Gray MacKenzie and his company, ZenPilot, have helped over 1,800 agencies grow sustainably. They’ve developed standardized systems and processes to help any team reach its full potential, increase profitability, and stay organized. They also offer training for implementing ClickUp, an all-in-one app for tasks, documents, chat, goals, and more. Now, Gray is here to share his expert insights and advic