

On the 28th episode of Add Water and Stir, Mimi and AdoptiveBlackMom spend some time dispelling myths about birth mothers. Birth mothers are often characterized as being destined to help infertile couples have children, being irresponsible in having an unplanned pregnancy or being drug addicts. There is much diversity among birth mothers and their reasons for deciding to place their children for adoption can be numerous and complicated. ABM and Mimi chat about several specific myths and a recent confession by a reality star that she is a birth mother who still very much loves her children.   In the second segment of the show, Mimi and ABM read their very first feedback letter; writer D asks about waiting for a match and getting more attention from his agency. Mommy blogs will be discussed on a later show. In the Wind Down, ABM and Mimi talk about the fall TV lineup and what they are looking forward to watching. Find show notes at;  Tweet Us: @AWASPod; Email us: