Add Water And Stir: Women Of Color | Adoption | Foster Care | Parenting

AWAS 030: School Daze | Aligning



On the 30th episode of Add Water and Stir, Mimi and AdoptiveBlackMom are on Week 2 of the special series, School Daze: What Foster and Adoptive Parents Should Know About Navigating the Educational System.  Their first topic is social media and the consideration for foster and adoptive families.  There may be rules regulating children’s images online and safety issues as well as the option to use social media to navigate open adoptions.  They share some preliminary data that was collected through their survey from the adoption community. The second topic focuses on their experiences with disclosing their adoption status to school administrators and under what circumstances this should be divulged.  Lastly, they talk about adoption-friendly homework and how biographical assignments can be problematic.  The assignments may trigger unpleasant memories; children can find them embarrassing as they wrestle with what to disclose about their family status and their identity, kids may also struggle with racial or cultu