Artisan Angela - Lessons On Self Coaching

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 128, Taking a New Route



This week I'm discussing the process of taking a new route with your drinking patterns.We all know what it's like to learn something new. It takes time. It takes repetition. It takes making mistakes along the way.But when it comes to learning how to stop over-drinking.. we expect perfection.. we are hard on ourselves when we don't do it perfectly.This episode illustrates just how automatic the process of over-drinking has been for us.We don't have to consciously * think * too hard about doing it. We just do.It's the same process as driving home from work.. we don't really have to think about which roads to turn on, we just know and do it.Now, change the route home and try to do that without thinking too hard.. well, you will probably miss some turns.Change the silver ware drawer in your kitchen.. notice how often you go back to grab the silverware in the old location.Taking a new route with alcohol requires us paying attention, getting conscious about our old patterns and having a new route mapped out in adva