
Series 2 - Episode 2 on Crushes and Long Term Relationships.



Sofie is back from Reykjavik with some glorious restaurant/cafe recommendations! This week, post Valentines, we will be looking at crushes and whether it’s ok to have crushes when you’re in a long term relationship. We discuss how our friends can often get shunned in favour of romantic relationships and how we should prioritise them and we take a look at the notion of being a generation who are told constantly that we are amazing - at everything! We discuss our experiences with birth control syndrome and how, when you're feeling frustrated, do you best deal with confrontation.In a change up going forward our Mate to Mate segment is going to be all about YOU and your issues, we wanna hear from you and discuss all of your problems - no matter how big or small - as we give you some mate to mate advice! It can be regarding relationships, work, social life or social media! We got you covered (anonymously of course.) You can contact us via Instagram/Twitter or us or send us an email at——