Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

The Rant and Rave Show



This show is our rant and rave edition. Not only has there been so much in the news lately that has caused people to rant all over the place; but it has also invited quite a few negative comments. From Rachel Dolezal and the NAACP to Caitlyn Jenner and the ESPY Awards...we hit 'em all. We address these issues as well as bring to light the way they connect and how some Facebook rantes fail to realize how their ranting can evolve into hatred. We all must be very careful not to create a situation that invites hatred and ignorance. And if we do, then we must stand and educate those who exhibit those attitudes. We also take time to recognize those who exhibit positivity and enlightened thinking. Jennifer Hudson's new song, "I Still Love You" is such a positive statement about families coming to terms with their LGBT children and same-sex marriage. We also talk about a family that is providing a home for those LGBT children that have been disowned by their biological families. We hope you enjoy this show.  There is