Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

Get Off the Fence



Fam-a-lee! Let me tell you. M.T. went in on this show. She called everyone out. This show addresses Iyanla's first Fix My Life episode of the new season. If you don't know, then let me tell you. It was regarding gay ministers and the lives they are living. Pastor Derrick(not sure if this is spelled correctly) and Pastor Mitchell. Both have been living double lives. Derrick is not out to his family or church and is beginning the journey of coming out to them. Mitchell is married with 5 children. He has had affairs with 5 men during his marriage. He has a lot of things to clear up. We also discuss the church's role in keeping people bound to their traditional ideas. How many of us keep going to church looking for God/love and end up wounded? This is why MT is adamant about getting off the fence. You cannot continue to go to traditional church and expect understanding regarding your life. It's time to get your vertical straight. As long as you get right with God/Source, who cares what anyone else thinks? A happy