Just My Opinion With Spiritual Studd & M.t.

HB2 - Falling For the Okey-Doke



Hey Fam, Ok....we have gotten so many responses to our podcast regarding laws regarding trans people and bathrooms that we decided to address it. How? We have looked beyond the law that has everyone up in arms to what ELSE is included in the law. So, we looked into it and there are some interesting changes that have been made to the laws that provided protection from discrimination....not so much for the LGBT community....but for the protected classes under Title VII. There is also a reference to changing minimum wage. This is the type of sneakiness that goes unchecked when the public doesn't take the time to look deeper. It is vital that we as a democracy take advantage of what those who went before us fought and died to give us. We must vote! These politicians have done some underhanded things to the folks in North Carolina. But if we are not careful, we can be set up the same way. We are well aware that many of those who responded to our previous podcast don't care for us and what we stand for. However, we