Grace At Fort Clarke Podcast

Welcomed by the Spirit



How many doors have you entered this week? Where did they take you? The bank lobby. A doctor’s waiting room. Your classroom. The office. Your car. Home. Some don’t feel welcome coming back home. Because of where they’ve been, what they’ve done. But Jesus stands at the door knocking, inviting, by his Spirit, all to come find forgiveness and cleansing so God can bring us into his home. Forever. Starting today. QUESTIONS • Describe the feeling you get when you return home—whether your childhood home growing up, or your current home. Does it feel like your “center” where you can unwind, be yourself, and recharge your batteries? Or is it not such a positive experience for you? • How were you led to place your faith in Christ? Can you trace the work of the Spirit in drawing you to God? • Why did you respond? (To be saved from eternal punishment? To know more of Jesus? To find peace? What was your motivation?) • How does it feel to be “home” with God in your relationship with Christ? Describe the things that make y