Derailed Trains Of Thought

Episode 119 - Genres Gone Wild?



Here at Derailed Trains of Thought (your premiere podcast on storytelling for the creator and consumer), we like to talk about genre fiction. You know, science fiction, fantasy, mysteries, superheroes, blah, blah, blah. But the heart of story is character, right? So are hyperdrives and Act 2 betrayals just lazy writing? Do storytellers use genre conventions as a crutch? Are character studies "pure" storytelling? Maybe you've never asked these questions, but Timothy Deal and Nick Hayden do in this episode's Story School. Then, in a jam-packed second half, we share Listener Feedback before diving into the wild world of Zillow Gone Wild and ending with a shrine to Jerry Maguire in It Came From the Intrawebs! So, whether you prefer Ulysses or Ready Player One, it's time to buckle up and listen in to episode 119 of Derailed Trains of Thought. Show Notes