Behind The Glass With Charlotte Eriksson

How to create your future



This I know to be true: YOUR job is to decide exactly what you want from life. That is your job. Then it is your brain’s job, or the universes, whatever you believe in, it’s their job to guide you to the right circumstances where you’ll find exactly what you have set out to find. But they can’t guide you unless you know for sure what you want to find. So now to my actual story: End of February this year I decided to go back to Berlin after having spent the winter in Sweden. There was something going back that made me feel … anxious. Sad.. I did not want to go back. I knew I loved Berlin, I loved the city and my people, but it was the thought of going back to the apartment that made me feel off.. I realised, the girl that moved into that apartment beginning of 2020 was no longer here. I have evolved, a lot, and so suddenly my energy did no longer align with the energy in the apartment. It held me back. 
I decided, my only goal and vision right now is to find myself an apartment in Berlin that not only aligns