Rachel Paling Podcast Series

What Is Language Coaching Episode 13 - Rachel's Reflections on Language Coaching



Today my podcast is really about reflecting on all the wonderful contributions from the previous guests on what Language Coaching is for them and taking stock of all the different perspectives relating to language coaching in the world.And at this point, I would like to bring in some further exploration and explanation to clarify “what is Neurolanguage Coaching?”.  So, in this podcast I would like to give my listeners worldwide some insights and clear indications what this means. Firstly, Neurolanguage Coaching is an approach, process or even method to learn any language and not only English. It is crystalised into a different structure that gives coaches a backbone to their whole process. The language learning revolves around the 3Ms and PACT PQC, (for further information check out my book Neurolanguage Coaching https://www.amazon.co.uk/Neurolanguage-Coaching-Friendly-Language-Learning/dp/1910864943 ). The language learning is delivered through brain-friendly coaching conversations, whereby the coach has con