Mortgagenomics Canada

5.25%, the 80's, banks making a crap load of $$, and buying another home with 5% down



I often get asked what the minimum down payment requirement is to purchase another home. And by another, I mean residing in your current home as you are and purchasing another home that you or any one of your family members will frequent at one point throughout the a home away from home. For example, it may be a vacation property a couple of hours from where you currently live, or perhaps a downtown condo across the country where your child is attending university.  Regardless of the location, as long as the property is intended for family occupancy at one point throughout the year, the minimum down payment requirement is 5%! Yep, that's it, 5% down payment to purchase another home! The formal name of the mortgage guideline is known as the Second Home Mortgage.Let me be clear though...notice that I am not referencing the other home as a rental property, but rather another home. Not only does the property have to be intended for family use only, but as i