Parenting In The Thick Of It With Louise Clarke

520: Mindset, Beliefs, Energy, Vibe…Your Choice!



Working on these things all require effort, we don’t just miraculously wake up feeling good every day of the week! If we want to feel energized, or be in a growth mindset and see the infinite potential in all that is, we have to take the responsibility for choosing it. For so much of the time we blame others for how we are feeling or, we believe that we will feel better when we get x or do y or see z. This is sheer lunacy in my books as we are putting our eggs in a basket we actually have no control of. How often to you find yourself pinning your happiness on external things that you can’t always control. So what can we do? Curious? Tune in… If you would like to join my private Facebook Group, Parenting In The Thick Of It and join thousands of like-minded parents and get some support, please join me via the link below: FOLLOW ME ONLINE HERE: Website: Book: Parenting The Modern Teen: