Collections By Michelle Brown

Collections by Michelle Brown Celebrating 6 Days of TGDOE with Nyrobi M'Baku



Instead of trying to say it all in one day, leaders from Michigan’s Transgender community and allies decided to host a six-day free online conference. The hosts of TRANSGENDER DAYS OF EMPOWERMENT will focus on understanding the journey Monday through Friday and on Saturday celebrate a Day of Decision, Declaration, & Doing by taking ownership of our existence and boldly taking one more step forward in our journey of self-actualization and embracing our true selves. Partnering organizations Transgender Michigan, Inclusive Justice, Sage Metro Detroit, and ACLU Michigan joined with the facilitating organizations – Gender Identity Network Alliance and Transcend the Binary to present the conference. Nyrobi Willow M'Baku is a member of the Transcend the Binary team she serves as Unity, Outreach, and Advocacy Lead. She will not only talk about her experience as an activist/bridge builder but the conference as well. Transcend the Binary is BY AND FOR TRANS, NONBINARY, GENDER DIVERSE people. The organization bel