Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

179. Raj Jana: How Life Unfolds When You Believe Everything Happens FOR You



“When you can trust in the unfolding, you know that every hardship you’re experiencing is only a hardship because it hasn’t fully blossomed into the blessing yet.” I’m super excited to release this latest reflection episode. April 2021 held a lot of teachings and because it was also the last month of my 20s, this reflection holds an extra special meaning.This month, I’ve been learning to cultivate faith. Sometimes, life doesn’t unfold in the way you imagine. Sometimes, projects and plans can take longer to come to fruition than you would have liked - and that can create inner friction! But when you believe that everything is happening FOR you, delays create an opening to explore uncomfortable emotions and experiences. In the process, you grow and evolve at lightning speed!    I’m super grateful for this month. April has given me the circumstances that have allowed me to experience who I am at a deeper level - and as always, I’m sharing all the juicy details with you in this