3 Minutes With Kent

I use markdown and VSCode for slides



https://staltz.com/your-ide-as-a-presentation-tool.html Hello friends you may have noticed that sometimes I use my editor as my slides in lots of the talks that I've given over the last few years and that was originally inspired by André Staultz who has the a blog post on his website called your IDE as a presentation tool where he kind of explains why he has done that and it's a good blog post you can take a look at that and even gives tips on how to do this effectively and stuff. But I would just thought I'd mention why I like doing this. I actually am working on some slides right now for.A talk that I'm giving and I I've gone through so many different ways of making slides like I started with you know, Google Drive and or PowerPoint and and went on to I actually used Prezi for a while which was fun and and slides.com is probably where most of my slides are and I really like that one quite a bit. I've made things simple. I used MDX deck tried to code my slides. And finally, I've kind of landed at using my ed