3 Minutes With Kent

How to prepare for meetings that convince people



So let's say that you want to convince your coworkers to try a new tech or something like a new library or whatever and you think it's a really good idea but people aren't convinced. So what typically happens is you want to prepare a couple of ideas and stuff and bring it to a meeting and say, okay, here's here's what I think and why I think this is a good idea. And then people will present their reasons why they they don't think it's a good idea. And people may come to the meeting kind of predisposed to disagree and and want to just say,No this is just extra work that you're making me do and and so as soon as somebody gives a reasonable good argument against you against your idea for everybody else that just is like the thing that they can latch on to and if you're not prepared to deal with that then then you just lose everything. So this is what I do and what I've done to convince members of my team that my idea is a good one. And that is first you have to like that obviously you have to really believe that