3 Minutes With Kent

How fast touch typing helps programmers



https://www.typingtest.com/test.html?minutes=1&textfile=mediumText.txt&mode=sent&result_url=/result.html&bt=0 Hello friends. So this morning in my discord we had a little bit of a conversation about touch typing. One of my friends there asked if they should get into Vim and they were thinking that Vim you can move a little faster and well I think that's that can be true. I think there's a little bit of an illusion to moving quickly just because you're using a special text editor or editor or a VIM like key bindings thing. I think you can get just as fast without them. And I've been on both sides, but yeah, andNow I'm not using them keen bitings But anyway I think, we kind of came around to touch typing was the thing that was selling them down. They could improve their speed if they just were able to type a little faster. And so I thought yeah, I just got me thinking this morning about how valuable it can be to be able to type very quickly. I think most of us have been in a situation where the interface to the