3 Minutes With Kent

Avoid Context Switching: Use ScriptKit.com



https://www.scriptkit.com/ https://kentcdodds.com/blog/automation Hey friends So you know how sometimes you do things so many times that you're like you know what I'm just gonna write a script for this and we'll run it and whatever and so I don't have to do this over and over again. And like some of those things can be pretty extensive, like there's a lot of stuff that you end up doing like you gotta open up this webpage and then you gotta click on that and then you gotta go do this, whatever. And some of those things can be like really simple. So I just need to open this file add a line to this and save it and then close my editor or whatever. And you can speed all of those things up using like little CLI to.Pull that you make or something and the the value of this isn't necessarily in the amount of time that it saves you but in the amount of context switching it saves you from. So so you don't have to pull up your whole editor, you don't need to pull up this tab or whatever it is. I actually have a blog pos