Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

178. Tracey Ivanyshyn: How Leaders Can Create Sacred Space For Grief & Loss



“Loss is part of life and we have to be able to support people better.” COVID interrupted our lives in so many unexpected ways. As the fallout of the pandemic continues, people across the world are experiencing loss and grief in ways we couldn’t have predicted. Some people are working through job losses, business closures, and shifts in the way we socialize, travel, and work. Others are navigating the grief of losing a loved one. In this way, COVID has brought the subject of death to the surface. Death is a conversation many of us in the western world are ill equipped to hold, handle, or lead - at work and in our homes. Serial entrepreneur - Tracey Ivanyshyn - is on a mission to change this way of being by helping founders and companies create a culture that holds space for good grief at work. This work is so important - especially during these times - because companies that can hold space for ‘good grief’ are stronger; as are their people. “Grief is like a wave.” Tracey is the CEO of