Sharon Kleyne Hour

The Benefits of Laser Phototherapy



Dr. Lee Cowan, D.C. (Portland, OR), Chiropractor, discusses the benefits of laser phototherapy. Low level light therapy is the application of very low power red or near infrared light for wound healing or other therapeutic purposes. For example, jaundice is a common, temporary and usually harmless condition found in newborn infants. It occurs when there is a build-up of a naturally occurring substance in the blood called bilirubin. Phototherapy (light treatment) is the process of using light to eliminate bilirubin in the blood. The light waves are absorbed by the baby's skin and blood and change bilirubin into products that can easily pass through it's system. For over 30 years, hospitals have used phototherapy treatment for jaundice in newborn infants. Second guest, Veva Deheza (Denver, CO), Section Chief, Conservation and Drought Planning with the Colorado Water Conservation Board, discusses the Colorado River, projected population and water shortages. For additional information, ple