Sharon Kleyne Hour

"The Importance of Forest Regeneration"



Tom Atzet, Ph.D. (Merlin, OR), retired forest service ecologist, discusses the importance of forest regeneration, the act of renewing tree cover by establishing young trees naturally or artificially - generally, promptly after the previous stand of forest has been removed. Second guest, Sky McClain (Boulder City, Nevada), Lead Field Interpreter with Lake Mead National Recreation Area, discusses the unique qualities of Lake Mead and the surrounding area. Established as America's first national recreation area, Lake Mead National Recreation Area encompasses one and a half million acres and is home to thousands of desert plants and animals. It is a startling contrast of desert and water, mountains and canyons, primitive backcountry, and busy marinas. Dams that back up the Colorado River as it flows through the Mojave Desert, one of the hottest, driest regions on earth, created Lake Mead and Lake Mohave (Part 1). For additional information, please visit