Sharon Kleyne Hour

Strategies for the New Year: Steve Olsher, founder of the Reinvention Workshop and Author. Health care crisis, Organic Herbs and Teas: Randy Buresh, herbalist and founder of Oregon’s Wild Harvest



Our first guest is Steve Olsher, founder of the Reinvention Workshop, host of Reinvention Radio and author of USA Book News’ 2010 “Self-Help Book of The Year” Journey To You: A Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming Who You Were Born to Be. Do you believe that you were meant and made to do something extraordinary, but can't identify what it is? Are you unclear on how to get paid for your talents? Check out: Randy Buresh, Our second guest is a licensed registered nurse, Demeter® Certified Biodynamic farmer, herbalist and founder of Oregon’s Wild Harvest, a biodynamic farm. During Randy's medical career, he could not help but notice the heavy reliance on pharmaceuticals.” A concentrated dose of vitamins, minerals, amino acids that the body needs but isn't getting...this is a better answer than taking drugs like they were candy.” For more info: