Artisan Angela - Lessons On Self Coaching

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 122, I Get To



I GET TO SAY NO. But listen.. just over 3 years ago, 'getting to say no' was not an option. I would have thought 'I can't say no,' or 'saying no isn't an option' or really.. NO was not even a consideration. It wouldn't even have crossed my mind that saying no easily could be a possibility. If I had been in one of the cycles of trying to cut back I might have thought 'I shouldn't have that drink..' or 'I said I wasn't going to drink, but I don't want to hurt their feelings' or 'screw it everyone else is drinking, I should be able to have a glass or 2, I'm a grown-ass adult who takes care of my shit.' Getting to say no feels like a freaking privilege. It feels like I have choices. It feels powerful. I get to say NO just like I get to say Yes if I want to. Getting to the place where I get to say NO was the most exciting journey I've ever been on.And I want to share how you can get here too. Tune in and listen.   **Interested in joining the Stop Over-drinking and Start Living coaching program? click the link belo