Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

89: Is it Okay to Desire Physical Transformation? Motives & Discernment!



Is it okay to pursue physical transformation as a Christian? Are you bold and humble to admit that your reason for working out is because you desire physical transformation? This is a topic some of us don’t like to bring up as Christ followers. We talk about that in today’s episode. Put your earbuds on, lace up your walking shoes, and let’s hear what God has to say about this! Contentment in Christ, Jaclyn P.S. PSST… I’m giving away a 1-HOUR coaching session! Did you enter yet?? This is the last week to enter. HERE’S HOW TO ENTER: STEP 1: Write a review on iTunes. (Ex: How has this podcast impacted you in your journey or shifted your perspective regarding fitness, etc.?) STEP 2: Send this podcast to at least 1 girlfriend. THAT’S IT! Already wrote a review? Email me a screenshot of it. Then, be sure to share this podcast with a friend by sending them a link to this podcast. That’s your entrance! I will announce the winner in the first episode of May! ---------- READY TO WORK WITH ME AS YOUR SPIRITUAL FITNESS C