Brad And Tom Are Friends?

Brad and Tom Are Friends? Episode 98



Join Brad and Tom as they yap about the return of the Village Voice!!, cockfighting (again), Doppler radar, sharing trash receptacles with your neighbors, eBay feedback, roosters in court, high top house shoes, cold water, Kelly Preston, and, most importantly, if they're any closer to being friends. Relevant links below. Email: Twitter: @bradandtompod   What is the Meaning of the phrase “The morning constitutional”? Woman says she was charged nearly $1,500 for tolls in 90 days Alice In Chains - Don't Follow R.E.M- Country Feedback You Should Poke a Hole in Your Eggs Before Boiling Them Rooster Kills Man During Banned Cockfight Weather Service tells Congress radar gaps don't hurt warning accuracy, but outside scientists disagree A woman who stole goods for 19 years and sold them on eBay has been sentenced to prison and ordered to pay $3.8M