Artisan Angela - Lessons On Self Coaching

Stop Over-drinking and Start Living, Episode 121, Are You Being Too Nice to Yourself?



This week's episode explores how you can end shaming yourself when you over-drink AND find compassion when you do. 'I'm gonna be easy on myself and not be too I'm gonna allow myself to have a drink.' This is not being nice to yourself or being easy on yourself. Being nice to yourself looks like checking in with yourself, asking yourself why you want a drink in the first place, slowing down and processing those feelings, and supporting yourself in the ways you WANT to instead of your default of going for that drink. That is compassion for yourself. You are acknowledging that you want something or feel stressed or whatever it is, and you are validating those feelings which is the most loving way you can support yourself. Drinking and deciding to drink and 'take it easy' on yourself and let up on your goals, IS NOT BEING NICE. Because when you do that you are numbing a part of you that wants to be heard and felt and listened to. Tune in as I dive into the balance of not being hard on yourself AND how