Courageous Fit Female With Jaclyn Castro

88: Wanna Escape the SELF-CONFIDENCE Trap? 3 Questions (Ways) to Get You Out!



What if I told you that you DON’T need self-confidence in order to be successful? What if I told you that self-confidence is a lie from the enemy? Why do we conform to/fall for the pressures of the world that tell us what we “need” when we acknowledge that all our answers are found in the Scriptures? What does God say about needing self-confidence? That’s what we cover in today’s bonus episode. Let’s be reminded... We find our confidence in Christ. Not in ourselves! Confidence in Christ, Jaclyn P.S. PSST… Did you hear about the giveaway for my 1-HOUR coaching session? HERE’S HOW TO ENTER: STEP 1: Write a review on iTunes. (How has this podcast impacted you in your journey or shifted your perspective regarding fitness?) STEP 2: Send this podcast to at least 1 girlfriend. THAT’S IT! Already wrote a review? Email me a screenshot of it. Then, be sure to share this podcast with a friend by sending them a link to this podcast. That’s your entrance! I will announce the winner in the first episode of May! CURIOUS TO