Badger Radio

TOTEM #7 "Emotional Intelligence" Feat. Iain McGilchrist(Author) + Shama Rahman (Neuroscientist)



Spring ’19
 TOTEM #7 “Emotional Intelligence” 
Feat: Shama Rahman (Neuroscientist, Musician, founder of “Neurocreate”) + Iain McGilchrist (Psychiatrist, Author of “The Master and his Emissary, The divided Brain and the making of the Western World”).  
Investigating the concept of “Emotional Intelligence”: Can we separate emotional intelligence from rationality, both as a brain function and in terms of location in the brain? Can we really quantify emotional intelligence? How has it’s popularity brought it into everyday culture and has it helped? What is intuition and “flow”? Is emotional intelligence situated more in the left or right brain? Will our culture ever emerge from the dominance of left brain, isolated analytical thinking of reductionist materialism? What are the implications of the new respect for Emotional Intelligence? Badger Radio's new episode of TOTEM with host Freddy Drabble is now live, perfect for those of you who driving, cycling, commuting or just soaking in the bath. 
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